
Take the ConnECTed Parent Quiz

  1. I am not aware of what my child’s school is doing to prepare them for careers in the future.
  2. My middle/high schooler doesn’t yet have a good grasp on which “career pathway(s)” they fit into best.
  3. I have uttered these words: “You kids have no idea about the real world and what it takes to feed, clothe, house and transport a family!”
  4. I wish my kids could “try on” a career before I start shelling out money for college or they start accumulating student debt?
  5. I would like my kids to engage in something fun but educational when school gets out to prevent “summer slide.”

If you answered TRUE to even one of the above questions, you need to learn more about ConnECTed – Midland County’s connection to learning experiences that guide students in discovery and decision-making before college and the world of work.

The most important thing to know is that CTE is NOT an either/or proposition. CTE isn’t designed for some kids and not others. It’s designed for all. It does not conflict with traditional academics. On the contrary, it enhances traditional academics by giving school subjects a real-world perspective.

The push to get kids into colleges has had a downside. It assumes “getting a degree” is the end product of four or more years of education. In today’s world, some employers may require a degree for employment, but most are far more focused on specialized skills, credentials, certifications, and experiences outside of a traditional classroom.

ConneCTEd has created a consortium between all Midland County schools so that students can take CTE classes wherever they are offered – even if not in your district. And we’ve removed the transportation barriers by offering buses to all sites.

Not sure what CTE courses your child might find interesting? Enroll them in a summer camp or two to help them find their passions.

To stay up-to-date on what your kids are learning and experiencing in school…as well as opportunities for them to explore and discover outside of the classroom, subscribe to our eNewsletter and follow us on Facebook.